Momentum: The Brakes Are Out!

15 Mar

Author: Rachel Mazza

Recently I’ve learned an important lesson about momentum. Now there’s the kind lesson you learn when you’re skating down a steep hill and realized that you probably should have started braking at the TOP – and then there’s momentum in our life. Equally as unstoppable, and packs even more of an impact than wiping out on the concrete.

This month has been filled with opportunities that, while they might seem random, are actually a result of the actions I took in the past. Maybe you apply for an internship on a whim, or send in an audition video without taking it too seriously. A month later you might decide that you want to move to a warmer climate and start nurturing your contacts in that area. Sometimes these actions may seem insignificant, but when put together they result in some very visible new opportunities.

It’s like there’s a giant funnel for our lives. We begin throwing things into the funnel and maybe they circle around for a bit, but soon the funnel starts to fill up and everything is forced to shoot out the tap.

Taking action is the key, no matter how small the first steps are. Even if you don’t know exactly how you’re going to get there yet, have your overall goal in mind and just move forward. Don’t know what action steps to take? Google is your friend. Doing your research can be as simple as searching for “How do I start doing ____” or “How to I become ____”.

This is one time we can take a page out of good ‘ole Charlie Sheen’s book.

“I have one speed, one gear, Go!…I dare you to keep up with me.”

Sounds about right. Need proof? It’s science! Newton’s law says that objects in motion tend to stay in motion. And the faster you’re moving forward, the harder it is to slow you down.

Now momentum can also be a negative force. We’ve probably all experienced a “downward spiral” at some point in our life. Whether it’s with our mood, our financial situation or in our relationships, if you fill up your ‘funnel’ with inaction or bad decisions it can really slam into you when it accumulates.

That’s why it’s important to keep focused on your goals and make sure that every decision you make is bringing you closer and closer to achieving them – not further away.

Things that I put into motion months ago are starting to come full circle, and my life is now flooded with new opportunities coming so fast it’s almost overwhelming! In a good way, of course.

Figure out what you want to achieve and just go for it! Start filling your funnel and don’t focus too much on what will come of each individual action. Even if something turns out not to be what you originally expected, it’s always good to have options, right?

So stop planning and just start DOING. Take a step, and don’t be afraid or let others discourage you. Pick an opportunity and throw it in the mix. You might be surprised at what comes out of the tap.

3 Responses to “Momentum: The Brakes Are Out!”

  1. Diana March 15, 2011 at 11:05 am #

    Wow. Rach, very inspiring.

    So, have you decided yet? are you coming to Thailand? 😛

  2. Bridal Jewellery March 25, 2011 at 11:01 am #

    Thankyou what a great post, I’m off to fill up my funnel with positivity!


  1. Rooftop Proposal « Rachel Mazza - April 3, 2011

    […] life has been moving. FAST! And I like it. I’ve been working hard and constantly filling my funnel with new […]

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